Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Late Night Book Talk!!!

Wowee zowee, it took forever to finish this thing!  So many small decisions seemed so big during the day, which caused my project to take probably an hour longer than it should have!  Also, I didn't have a clue what I was doing, which made it even more fun and unfortunately made it take even longer to finish.  Learning how to use the software, trying new things, coming up with ideas, realizing I didn't know how to implement said ideas, finding material, what a blast!!!  It was so much fun I ran out of time to write the report.  I'll try to wake up early tomorrow and do that before class, but if I know me, that's not going to happen. 

Overall, I'm happy with the way it turned out and I want to make more videos!  Now I just need some topics and a reason to do them.  I may be giddy from a lack of sleep or I may be grumpy.  Either way, I apologize in advance.  It won't really be in advance because no one will read this before tomorrow or probably at all.  I tried.

Oh yeah, here's the link to the book talk/trailer:  I'm not putting the video on here because I want to make sure the views get counted.  I'm pretty sure they would if I put the video here, but I'm not sure.  This may actually cost me views because people don't want to go to Youtube.  I want confirmed views though, so I'm willing to make that sacrifice.  Enough babbling!  To bed!

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